
NITTINITTI AS 933468127 Fossveien 10b, 0551 Oslo Norway

NITTINITTI has an conceptual approach and a focus on the human, discussing the functional and the anthropological within low-emission and innovative designs. We see architecture as a pragmatic tool operating in the symbiosis between the environmental and psychological, with the main purpose to function for human experience and use, creating identity through site specific architectural compositions.

The core team is Lars Ringdal, Jan Kazimiers Godzimirski, and Frederic Sandri all partners and architects, who together have many years of experience from the architectural field. Their project experience ranges from a number of projects within the public and the private sector, with particular experience from cultural buildings, schools and educational buildings, diplomatic buildings, tourism and hospitality, housing and urban development, master plans, feasibility studies, as well as smaller housing projects and refurbishments. They have worked extensively with architectural design competitions and been involved in winning several of these with proposals and been awarded prizes. They also work with art-oriented and humanitarian projects.

The office was established in Oslo in 2024, and works with competitions and projects both nationally and internationally.

The office can take professional responsibility according to Norwegian regulations for Architecture Projects PRO and SØK, complex projects tiltaksklasse 3.

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